Learning for Life Programme
Learning for Life Programme
Here at Yuying, our Learning for Life Programme (LLP), YUYING C.A.R.E.S (Collaborate. Act. Reflect. Empathise. Serve) focuses on the aspect of Community and Youth Leadership (CYL). To this end, our Values-In-Action (VIA) programmes provide opportunities for students to acquire the skills required to champion social causes and become effective changemakers in the community. VIA programmes in our school are also interdisciplinary in nature, as we seek to develop the head, hands and hearts of our students.
Growing Through Varied Experiences
YUYING C.A.R.E.S provides cohort-wide leadership training and values-in-action opportunities for the Secondary One through Three students through the EPIC process.
Secondary 1
LLP Focus: Environment
Secondary 1 students develop their understanding of environmental issues as part of their Geography Investigation curriculum and deepen their knowledge through learning journeys. They are given the opportunity to apply their learning by undertaking environmental advocacy projects and sharing the message of 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) with the community with their classmates.
Secondary 2
LLP Focus: Elderly
Integrated into their Project Work (PW), students apply the use of design thinking on the planning and execution of VIA project in tribute to the elderly community. They make use of design thinking skills to understand the needs of the elderly in our society and how they can address these needs. Some of our partner organisations are the Lions Befrienders, Thye Hua Kwan SAC and St Luke’s Eldercare.
Secondary 3
LLP Focus: Social Causes
Using their Issues Investigation knowledge acquired from their Social Studies lessons, the students identify causes in the community that are important to them. They contribute to the community by acting on, raising awareness or advocating the cause of their choice. Some of these social causes include the elderly, the homeless and migrant workers.
Secondary 4 and 5
LLP Focus: Community Partnership
The students give back to the society by organising a school-wide donation drive for a welfare organisation of their choice. This community partnership creates opportunities for students to consider active volunteerism beyond their secondary school education.
TIER 2 LLP in Yuying
Social Entrepreneurs in Action
Each year, selected VIA ambassadors and CCA or Student Leaders showing extraordinary passion and ‘Spirit to Serve’ continue to hone their skills in community leadership. They apply their social entrepreneurship skills to raise funds for a social cause of their choice.
TIER 3 LLP in Yuying
Overseas Service Learning
Selected students who display a strong interest in developing their service learning skills will be given the opportunity to embark on an overseas service learning project.