Our Pride
Our Pride
Alumni Achievement 2021
Temasek Polytechnic
Alumni Achievement – Temasek Polytechnic
Best Graduates 2021
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Realising my Dream One Step at a Time
Defying the odds to succeed and fulfil my passion to serve others
Receiving the President’s Award 2019 affirmed my passion to serve others and made every part of my life’s journey worthwhile. Being the first Yuying Secondary School alumnus to receive this award, I hope to inspire my juniors to reach for their dreams with my journey. I struggled academically when I first entered secondary school. Feeling demoralised, I became disengaged and began to focus less on my studies. Fortunately, the phase did not last long for I found my way upon joining Boys’ Brigade (BB). I was blessed with nurturing officers and seniors who motivated me and supported my emotionally and academically. Inspired by them, I began to see improvements in my studies. With buoyed confidence and enhanced leadership skills, I soon found myself actively serving in both BB and the Prefectorial Board Executive Committee.
Having experienced the BB program first-hand, I can vouch that the CCA provides an excellent platform to mentor youths. Currently as the Head Primer in Yuying BB, I took every opportunity to journey with my juniors through regular Company parades and trainings to prepare them for competitions such as the BB Blaze. I see this as an opportunity for me to give back to the Brigade and my Company for providing me with valuable guidance during my secondary school days.
Upon graduation, I have expanded my service to Brigade-level activities and is part of the organising committee for the Primers’ Orientation, taking on the role as the chairman. My role entails working with Primers from the different Polytechnic Companies and working with them to come up with activities for the participating Primers, with the aim of increasing networking and sharing of best practices among them. On top of that, I was part of the drama production committee for Life Community Services Society where I put up a performance for children during Christmas while mentoring other actors in the performance.
The award is an affirmation of my dedication to serve others and a testament that with the right support and determination, I can overcome any challenges. Receiving the award does not mark the end of my service to the younger generation as I will continue to serve alongside with them. I hope to instil confidence in them and inspire them to reach for their dreams so that they too, can overcome their challenges in life.
I will continue to seize every opportunity to serve the youth of today. This path of mentorship is tough but the harvest is fulfilling. I firmly believe that if we mentor the future generation well, Singapore will continue to prosper.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone at Yuying Secondary School for their unwavering trust and support in me. I hope that my journey so far has shown how anyone can succeed despite the odds.
Tan Jing Kiat Elijah
4E3 2017
The President’s Award represents the epitome of the Primers’ training in The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore. The highest award in the BB Programme, The President’s Award is presented to Primers who have successfully completed the demanding requirements in leadership and service in the community, as well as in the BB as adventure activity leaders or event managers.
A Convergence of Passion and Talent
Yuying Secondary School has many students to be proud of. But every once in a while, a student stands out from the rest, a shining beacon of talent and ability.
In 2018, Danyal Shah Bin Ashren Shah caught the attention of the school by being awarded the ASEAN School Games Best Sports Boy for Individual Sport as well as the Singapore Schools Sports Council Colours Award 2018 for Sepak Takraw. As if that was not enough of an achievement, he was also appointed as the Singapore Schools Team Captain (Sepak Takraw) in the ASEAN School Games 2018. He has represented Singapore not merely once but twice in the ASEAN School Games. Danyal has not only served in a leadership role, but he has also mentored newly appointed captains in his capacity as an advisor in the 2017 Sepak Takraw CCA Executive Committee. We applaud Danyal for his achievements and his service to others.
The whole school wishes him the best in his academic and sporting endeavours.
Yuying Enterprising Changemakers in Action!
Top Prize (Secondary Category) in NEA’s G!nnovation Challenge
7 students from Grow-Inc Club, a part of the ALP programme in Yuying Secondary School, participated in NEA’s G!nnovation Challenge. In this competition, students identified a problem and provided innovative solutions. Our students chose to tackle an issue related to Climate Action, which focuses on Resource Conservation in the area of Food Waste Reduction.
Our students demonstrated resilience and grit in the entire challenge and collaborated effectively in the entire problem-solving process. As part of the solution, our students garnered the support of the school community to reduce food waste and in the process, increased awareness of resource conservation in our school. In a short period of time, they collected and analyzed data, summarized key findings and presented to the entire school population.
Yuying Secondary was awarded the Top Prize in the Secondary School Category in this G!nnovation Challenge 2018.