School Crest & Motto
School Crest & Motto
The school crest comprises two concentric circles with the picture of an eagle in the shape of the capital letter ‘Y’ depicted in the inner circle.
The outer ring comprises the name of the school, Yuying Secondary School and the school Motto, “Together, Achieve Personal Excellence”.
The inner ring has the name of the school in Chinese characters. The Chinese word ‘Yu’ means to nurture or to cultivate and ‘Ying’ means heroes or talent. Taken together, it portrays the desire of the school to nurture our students and develop their talents so that they can be useful citizens of Singapore.
The stylised eagle in the inner ring symbolises the kind of student that the school would like to develop i.e., like a soaring eagle, strong, swift and powerful as well as decisive and resilient, always striving to achieve greater heights.
The colour white symbolizes purity while the red eagle signifies universal brotherhood and teamwork. Hence the school motto, ‘Together, Achieve Personal Excellence’.
The school motto, ‘Together, Achieve Personal Excellence’ signifies the importance of teamwork and unity within the school.
In the motto, ‘Excellence’ carries the meaning of ‘doing one’s best according to the best of his/her ability’ and it involves courage and determination.
As the staff and students work together with all our stakeholders, the school aspires for each and every individual to strive towards their personal best and, as an organisation, be able to work towards achieving excellent outcomes.